Wellness and Optimal Health Made Simple


Wellness for any person, can be simple. I will never tell you that artificial ingredients are O.K. to eat, or that you should replace water with anything that does not resemble it. My programs are logical, sound in nutrients, not always easy to do, but are made as simple as possible. We will be disconnecting our taste buds from some items and make baby steps (or bigger steps) as you can, to affect lasting positive changes for a better you.

In legalistic terms, The Natural Person is our own human person, that has inalienable rights to dignity, health freedom, bodily integrity and wellness. We are all unique persons with so many wonderful differences to account for. Each step we can take to utilize our strengths and be on guard for health-damaging influences is critical. This is what Vibrant Life Wellness does: taking the whole person into account, all the preferences, pasts and current state of wellness, to tailor a personalized path to betterment.  We take your life, and just tweak it incrementally. 

My name is Krystal O'Connell, Herbalist, Iridologist and Naturopathy Diplomate with over 20 years experience. I am the founder of Vibrant Life Wellness, LLC. You can book your initial greet and scheduling meeting, and full consultation or access Fullscript to browse the catalog from this site. 

Confused about all the information out there? I may suggest some supplements and foods that work WITH your body. We can review and talk about these very helpful nutrients. I may pass on research about cutting edge nutraceuticals that have worked for many clients, and a variety of ways to obtain them. Through decades of training and continuing education Vibrant Life can share with you which preferred vendors/companies have their certificates of analysis in place. Not all supplements are the same! Vibrant Life utilizes the website FullScript to provide quality supplements, which often can be discounted to match some of the best sales out there! Inquire at thenaturalperson@protonmail.com if this is something you choose to investigate as a service with a discount off retail. FullScript ships to anywhere in the U.S., which is great for my rural clients! 

Are you considering Cannabis/CBD products? These items are discussed, with a plethora of information and experience. Prime My Body, NuLeaf, Mary's Medicinals and Quicksilver Scientific are some favorite brands! Our internal systems can be optimized with cannabinoids, to reach homeostasis, or balance and parasympathetic states. These plants were used for millennia, before suppression propaganda arose in the 1920's. A person does not have to get "high" to experience this powerful herb! (Let me be clear, vaping and smoking are NOT therapeutically sound, in my opinion.) Personally, migraine headaches three times a month, are no longer a problem, and arthritis pain and insomnia is reduced safely, without artificial chemicals due to Cannabis supplementation. 


Florida 2018

I graduated from The School of Natural Medicine in 1999 as Naturopathy Diplomate, Master Herbalist and Iridologist.  As an instinctual (and now skilled) caregiver, this matches my heart and soul.  I have worked as Natural Living and Vitamin Department Manager with various retail natural food stores, as well as consulting with and caring for clients in private practice since 1993. My foremost practice is on my own health; becoming the best I can be. My journey is not perfect, and has had major setbacks. But, I keep going! I encourage everyone to be patient with themselves, and continue seeking what works best for each individual body.  See the "about" page for more about my journey. 

You will find information about foods and herbs, lifestyles and habits, products and recipes here.  You can connect with me for consultation set up, questions and reach other fabulous practitioners through the links to their sites. 

I only recommend supplements from companies that do not cut or substitute fraudulently

We will also look at what "Big Ag" and "Big Pharma" suggest as solutions and why they are not always a good first choice.  There are also links to modern dangers in this tech-dominated world which are influencing health in negative ways. Please investigate my suggestions for mitigation and protection of your human body. 

The F.D.A. has not evaluated my statements here, I make no claims for cure or diagnosis of any disease, and I make no suggestion that you stop your current regimen of healthcare or stop consulting with any physician or practitioner you wish to see. These programs are for you to choose or not to choose to follow. Please send a message to set up an appointment or book your greet and schedule appointment under the Services tab. 

Small changes can bring great support to body systems and progress! Do not give up! Your health is your most prized possession. It is worth the work and time! This page will keep growing, and hopefully will become a source of information and inspiration for all.

Most importantly, kindness to all, and humble acceptance of moderation, temperance in our habits and other traits in ourselves which created the imbalances is the foremost part of getting to the root of causes. 

Thank you for your time!

Feeling better and better!

Any questions not answered on this page may go to me at  TheNaturalPerson@protonmail.com

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