Iridology is the study of patterns and colors in the iris of the eyes. Krystal has watched her irises change over years of cleansing, specialized Chiropractic treatments and rebuilding the body's nutritional stores. Each iris is truly like a window inside. Iridology contains a map to the body, similar to reflexology points, which reveals strengths and weakness to guide nutritional support for the body’s natural functioning, and health. Iridology displays Constitutional digestive tendencies that require balance.
Krystal photographs your iris and projects it onto a large screen to examine and explain the markings indicating your constitution. In a home visit, a high powered magnifying glass may be used, with a small flashlight to manually look closer at certain areas, for clarification.
Each analysis includes handouts to explain your constitution along with suggestions to take advantage of your strengths and to improve weaknesses.
Iridology analysis by itself can be helpful and when combined with a complete case history, is a powerful way to understand your internal ecology.
Iridology analysis—$50 USD
Payments accepted via PayPal to Send check or Money Order to me at the address I will provide upon contact. Or, I can email an Intuit invoice for your preferred card. All card orders add $3.25 for each $100 to cover fees. Please email first or use the greet and schedule appointment with your desire for an analysis to make contact and get scheduled. Or, if you just have questions.
IRIS PHOTOS FOR ANALYSIS: In-office client's irises are photographed with a cell phone (in airplane mode) zoomed in 2.5 times, and a magnifier of five or more with a built in light is also magnifying the iris. It is uploaded to my screen. Remote clients need to provide a very clear photo as close as possible with eyelids pulled open. It helps to have a friend assist with this. Most cell cameras will allow a good, clear photo if zoomed a bit first before photo. (I do NOT recommend prolonged time of holding a cell phone close to your eyes! Put it in airplane mode!) Step outside away from reflections in bright light or use a penlight to illuminate into the iris area, to help give the most clear photo possible. Photograph both eyes, as you can see from the chart below, there are zones unique to each iris.
Not every system or practitioner uses a constitutional basis, beyond the markings of the chart above in the body zones. Based on the system developed by Farida Sharan at the School of Natural Medicine (I attended at Boulder, CO, graduate 1999) we can use this additional process of learning the secrets of the body. Many different colors and patterns have significance. Some shades of brown can be liver-oriented, some are more rust-colored, indicating pancreas involvement, some yellow shades point to kidney and adrenal involvement as the clues to the body's internal state. Some hazy fibers or inflamed-looking fibers also give us an idea of inner ecology, depending on the zones they are found.
Iridology has been practiced since history has been recorded. According to archaeological data from 3000 years ago in Egypt China and India there was much attention devoted to the study of the iris and its relation to organs of the body. Silver plates with detailed iris pictures were discovered in the Tutankhamon’s tomb (1400-1392 B.C). In traditional Tibetan medicine, the condition of the eyes was carefully noted by doctors who related markings to liver functioning and blood disorders. It wasn’t until the nineteenth century that the practice started to be investigated in Europe.
In 1867 Ignatz Von Peczely, a Hungarian doctor, qualified in medicine at the Vienna Medical College. His work as a doctor allowed him to study the iris of patients before and after surgery and he systematically recorded his findings, publishing his research in a book entitled ‘Discoveries in the Realms of Nature and the Art of Healing’. He established one of the earliest iris charts linking regions of the iris to organs in the body.
Dr Henry Lane and his student Dr Henry Lindlahr carried out thousands of surgical and autopsy correlation with iris markings before publishing ‘Iridology – The Diagnosis from The Eye’ in 1904.
Dr Bernard Jensen is renowned for his work on developing one of the most widely used iris charts. His passion for natural healing was driven by his own recovery from a medically ‘incurable’ condition at the age of 18, which he then proceeded to resolve using naturopathic treatments. Dr Jensen operated several health sanatoriums in California, receiving many honours and awards over the years including 1982 National Health Federation’s Pioneer Doctor of the Year award. He earned his Ph.D. at the age of 76 climaxing a lifetime of study, work and teaching in the healing arts. He lectured in 55 countries around the world and authored over 40 books on the subjects of natural health care and iridology.
Dorothy Hall was a contemporary of Bernard Jensen and recognized the unique connection between the patterns and colours in the iris and the personality of each individual. In her book ‘Personality and Health Analysis Through the Iris’ she describes how the iris can be classified into structural types by their fibre patterns, each type having its own personality tendencies.
Harri Wolf, M.A., Director of the Institute for Applied Iridology, was an original founder and past-president of International Iridology Practitioners Association (IIPA). He is well known for his charts, training manuals and videos in the field of Applied Iridology. He translated Dr. Lo Rito’s work on ‘time risk,’ the discovery that a trauma or major stress in an individual’s life is recorded at the level of the iris.
Jim Verghis has developed the concept of behavioral iridology. Like fingerprints, every individual iris is unique and provides a visual blueprint of genetic inheritance. He classified the iris into two distinct types. The ‘thinking’ type is characterized by burnt orange to dark brown spots on the iris known as psora. These indicate an activation of the left brain, creating a desire for knowledge and mental stimulation. The emotional type of iris has rounded openings resembling pockets, known as lacuna. These indicate a right brain predominance, which fosters creativity and spontaneous emotion.
John Andrews is recognized for his research and work in advancing Iridology. He has written several books that underline the potential for iridology to provide greater diagnostic clarity in a clinical setting. His aim is for Iridologists to practice in an accurate way and by repeatable methods to cultivate greater acceptance and spectrum of application. Much of Mr. Andrews’ recent research has focused on the Inner Pupillary border of the iris.
Iridology is just one part of the program, and is optional. Much can also be learned by taking a full case history, examining medications and supplements, symptoms and body functions to find optimal health!